Thursday, October 4, 2012

It's Almost Here!!!!

Hello Ladies of the Trade!
Our funfestive, fabulous event is coming up soon! The Autumn Exchange will be here before we know it! We are so excited and hope you are too!
Just a few reminders:
The event will be taking place at:
The home of (Address Removed for Privacy)
on Thursday, October 11th at 5:00 pm SHARPDon't be late!
The gate will be opening at 4:45pm and you will have limited time to get all your items situated and we will be startingat 5pm. We will have limited daylight and will want to get through as many rounds as possible before it gets dark!
The way it works:

*As you enter, we will be giving you a clothespin per trade item you bring and you will then write your name on each of your clothespins.

*At the start of each round you will be given a certain amount of time to look at each of the items up for trade and you will pin your clothespins onto the tags of the different items you would like to win.

*Once the time is up, the items with one clothespin will be won and given to the person who has their name on it! Yay!

*The items with more than one will be put in a hat and the name drawn out will win the item! Woo Hoo! Lucky you! If your name was not drawn, your clothespin will bereturned to you for round two and we start all over again!
Please remember to bring:

*Your ticket (one per person and no children please)
*Your trade items with tags attatched- Write on it what your item is or what it could be used for
*Your name tag
*An appetizer to share- Can be anything you want, be creative!
We will provide a yummy dessert :)

I know some of you are worried that you are not creative or crafty, but you don't have to be! This is just going to be a fun gathering of friends having a good time together!
We have updated the blog with more ideas, so take a look below.....

The Treasure Traders

{Amy, Cami, Jen, Kim, and Natalie}

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